These questions can be tough for a conscientious UU parent, particularly if you are agnostic or atheist, because so many of us want to be examples of having an open mind. My standard answer used to be, “If you … read more.
The Religious Education program has kicked-off to an excellent start! Our Chalice children are extraordinarily bright, inquisitive, and enjoy learning. It is very satisfying personally working with the students on UU principles and the impact of these principles on our wider world. One intriguing new feature within our classrooms is the Feelings Board, which shows an image … read more.
Chalice, can I just say that you are delightful? Well, you are.
It’s my one-year anniversary of coming to work with you all, and I’m so grateful to be working in such a joyful, willing, musical, generous, and deeply caring congregation.
Mark your calendars for October 10, 10am-6:30pm. Come hang out with fellow UUs from around North County at this LGBTQ Pride festival in downtown Oceanside. Volunteer to staff our booth so we can spread the word about our welcoming congregations. The event is run … read more.
Our partner organization has decided to cancel the fence painting scheduled for Saturday, September 12. Forecast predicts triple digit temperature and they are a bit concerned for us; plus the paint will not absorb if the fence is too hot. Please stay tuned to … read more.
Readers’ Theater Group will be meeting on Mon, Sept 28 at 6:45 p.m. in the common room.
We will be reading aloud the drama Waiting for Lefty, by Clifford Odets. Described as ”one of the most celebrated and significant plays of the modern … read more.
On September 25th at 7:00 PM at Chalice we will discuss Moriarty by Anthony Horowitz.
Days after Holmes and Moriarty disappear into the waterfall’s churning depths, Frederick Chase, a senior investigator at New York’s infamous Pinkerton Detective Agency, arrives in Switzerland. Chase brings with him … read more.
September 13 Sermon: “Make Room for Meaning” Wednesday, September 16 Potluck Dinner at 6 p.m.
Challenge: Declutter home or office–5 things or 15 minutes a day
Join the Spirit Study Facebook group to share how you’re doing with the challenge