I was on vacation for part of August, travelling in Ecuador and Peru. These were really two separate trips, with different tour groups and different purposes, but I found they shared a common theme: we can do hard things.
September. For me, this is simultaneously an exciting and melancholy time of year. I can tell by the changing light that the days are getting shorter, signaling the end of Summer. And I can tell by the traffic on the road in the mornings … read more.
In September 2020, I added a component called “land acknowledgment” to our Sunday worship. I wrote about this in my newsletter column a few months afterward, noting:
For many of us, the commitment to acknowledging land was strengthened after attending the 2020 UUA General Assembly, which … read more.
Greetings, Chalice! Wow, it has been a month. I have experienced a veritable roller coaster ride of emotions on several fronts: personally, as I planned my mother’s memorial service; nationally, with the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and then the historic withdrawal of Joe Biden … read more.
The following is an excerpt from Rev. Sharon Wylie’s sermon “The Sermon After General Assembly” offered on June 30, 2024. You can watch the full sermon on Chalice’s YouTube channel.
I believe that it is part of being a Unitarian Universalist to eventually face the question: … read more.
Greetings Chalice! I am so honored to be your President of the Board of Trustees for 2024-2025. I extend a huge thank you to everyone who served on our Board of Trustees last year and a hearty welcome to our new board members.
The relationship between minister and congregants is a special one. It is my great privilege to be part of your lives. I am available to meet with you to provide pastoral counseling and care in times of … read more.
I hope to see you at our Annual Congregational meeting following the second service on Sunday, June 9. On May 22, everyone was emailed all the information from the meeting. As we have many votes this meeting, a summary is included below.
I am enjoying taking an online UU history class offered by the Faith Forward program at the First Unitarian Church of Dallas. Eleven Chalice congregants have registered for the class, and we’ve had 4-6 congregants attending the class live (a recording of the class is … read more.
The Board of Trustees has concluded our work around creating a new vision statement for our community. We are excited to unveil our new mission statement, a guiding light that reflects our shared values, aspirations and commitment to our community. After careful reflection and collaborative … read more.