Our Ministers and Executive Staff
Minister: Rev. Sharon Wylie

Rev. Wylie is the called and settled spiritual leader of the congregation. As a full-time religious professional, she provides expertise, oversight, and guidance. She leads worship most Sundays, and is here for you to help in times of crisis and struggle, to provide a listening ear and a helping hand.
Rev. Wylie began serving Chalice in fall of 2012 and was ordained by the congregation in March 2013. She received her Master of Divinity degree from Starr King School for the Ministry and is in good standing and Final Fellowship with the UU Ministerial Fellowship Committee. Her preferred pronouns are she/her/hers.
Contact Rev. Sharon: SWylie@ChaliceUUCongregation.org
Affiliate Minister: Rev. Dr. Arvid Straube

Rev. Dr. Arvid Straube is delighted to be Chalice’s first ever Affiliate Minister! The designation of Affiliate Minister indicates the relationship of a Community Minister to the congregation in a non-staff position. As our Affiliate Minister, Rev. Arvid currently preaches at Chalice six times a year.
Rev. Arvid has been a UU parish minister for 35 years. He has served congregations in Washington State, North Carolina and, most recently, as Lead Minister of the First UU Church of San Diego. He currently has a ministry of spiritual direction, spiritual coaching, meditation coaching and teaching. His preferred pronouns are he/him/his.
Rev. Arvid earned a Master of Arts in Divinity degree at the University of Chicago and a Doctor of Ministry degree at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago. In 2013, Meadville awarded him an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree for distinguished service to our movement. He is also Minister Emeritus at the Eno River UU Fellowship in Durham, N.C.
Rev. Arvid and Rev. Sharon have co-led a UU centered annual retreat, SpiritRest Silent Retreat, since 2016.
Having recently moved to North County, Rev. Arvid and his wife Sonya Prestridge are delighted to be part of Chalice.
Music Director: Tim McKnight

Tim McKnight hails from the rural Midwest, but relocated to San Diego in July 2004. One month later, Chalice UU Congregation hired Tim as Music Director, a position he has held ever since.
Tim received both his Bachelors Degree in Music Education as well as his Masters Degree in Accompanying and Vocal Coaching from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In addition to his music ministry at Chalice, Tim teaches a studio of over 20 private piano and voice students. He also is a professional accompanist, collaborating with both vocalists and instrumentalists for recitals, auditions, college juries, competitions, etc.
Tim has served as musical director, conductor, vocal coach and pianist for both opera and musical theater productions in Illinois and throughout San Diego County.
Tim coordinates music for worship, directs the Chancel Choir, the Handchime Ensemble, and orchestrates special music services and other musical events. Tim’s preferred pronouns are he/him/his.
Contact Tim: TMcknight20@att.net
Director of Family Ministries: Kathleen Swift

Kathleen Swift, a San Diego native, is happy to be a part of the Chalice community again. She and her wife, Judy, live in a rural area of San Diego county where they enjoy stargazing and gardening. Kathleens’ preferred pronouns are she/her/hers.
Contact Kathleen: dfm@ChaliceUUCongregation.org
Office Administrator:
Kathleen Swift
Kathleen Swift has returned as our Office Administrator. She is happy to be serving Chalice again.
Contact Kathleen: office@ChaliceUUCongregation.org