Category: Justice & Service

Cancelled Service Project

Our partner organization has decided to cancel the fence painting scheduled for Saturday, September 12. Forecast predicts triple digit temperature and they are a bit concerned for us; plus the paint will not absorb if the fence is too hot. Please stay tuned to … read more.

September 12th Service Project

Painting and Decorating at Hidden Valley House

Saturday Sept 12, 8:30-11:30AM
240 S Hickory St #110, Escondido

Our help is needed at this emergency shelter for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The house, located in inland North County, is operated by our Charity … read more.

Border Trip to Tijuana

UU Justice Ministry Border Trip to Tijuana – March 27-30, 2015

Discovering the Ravages of our Immigration Policy

By Chalice members Sally and Dennis Brown

We met Javier at Freedom Park located right on the border in Playa, Tijuana Mexico on Sunday morning. For 44 years, Javier … read more.

The End of the Beginning

It’s the end, and it’s just the beginning. We’ve finished our discernment work with the UU Justice Ministry of California, and now the work of building a congregational social justice ministry begins. We have two focus issues: economic justice and immigrant justice. Now task forces … read more.

A Balanced Social Justice Ministry

Some of you have asked me, “didn’t we already do a social justice discernment when we picked our charity partners?”  Yes and no. The Charity Task Force did help lead the congregation through discernment, and the partners we identified are indeed part of our … read more.