Category: From the Board President

President’s Message – August 2019

I hope you are enjoying your summer – I sure am! The weather has been beautiful allowing the finishing work on our Chalice home to progress at speed. Hopefully we will be attending services by the time you read this.

Last month I started laying out … read more.

President’s Column for February 2019

The By-laws of Chalice state: “The Board is responsible for the Senior Minister’s evaluation which shall be conducted every 3-5 years….” Reverend Sharon Wylie was last evaluated on June 19, 2015. A Board of Trustees Task Force for Ministerial Evaluation was appointed consisting of Nancy … read more.

From Our Board President February 2017

Chalice UU Congregation publishes a monthly newsletter. This is an article written by our Board President, Kathy Zapata for the February 2017 newsletter.

“If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise … read more.

From the Board President January 2017


I dare say that many of us in our little community are beginning 2017 with a sense of relief – at least 2016 is over! We experienced real losses this past year, both within our congregation and more distant … read more.

From the Board President December 2016


Ah, change. Sometimes it’s welcome, but often it’s stressful, even painful. I have been reminded in recent weeks just how grateful I am for our little community. And through it all, the work of Chalice congregation goes on.

So what does the … read more.