Author: WebsiteVolunteer

December President’s Message

Thank you to all of our Chalice volunteers! You help make Chalice a wonderful place to visit, to become a part of, and a place that we want to keep returning to. Your ever-present volunteer spirit and vision ensures our groups, task forces, and … read more.

An Ordination Invitation


I am so honored and excited that the Board has voted to co-ordain me with First Church. You’ve been with me through this last year of ministerial development and are an important part of my ongoing growth in ministry. I have loved ministering at Chalice … read more.

The Borderlands

Used under Creative Commons: church is in a border region, less than 50 miles from the U.S./Mexico Border. Writer Gloria E. Anzaldúa wrote that “the U.S. Mexican border es una herida abierta (is an open wound) where the Third World grates against the first … read more.

November President’s Message

“Chalice is a place where there are no bullies” was the heartfelt response our second and third graders replied with as to why they liked coming to Chalice. Their honest answer brings tears of joy to my eyes. Our students feel safe from bullying, in the RE classrooms and at Chalice. I would love to know why … read more.

Service Project: San Diego Food Bank

October 31st, 12:30-2:30pm
9850 Distribution Ave, San Diego, CA 92121
The San Diego Food Bank feeds, on average, 320,000 people per month. Come help! We will most likely be inspecting, sorting, boxing, and labeling food donations. Please wear closed-toe shoes.

RSVP to Elizabeth (, and then … read more.

Filling the Well of Justice

We live in a time of drought. This drought is literal: our reservoirs are drying up and our landscape is drying out. The drought is also metaphorical: we live in a time of spiritual and moraldrought. Of oppression, of disconnection, of alienation. This “drought” is … read more.

October President’s Message

The Religious Education program has kicked-off to an excellent start! Our Chalice children are extraordinarily bright, inquisitive, and enjoy learning. It is very satisfying personally working with the students on UU principles and the impact of these principles on our wider world. One intriguing new feature within our classrooms is the Feelings Board, which shows an image … read more.

A Year of Congregational Life

Chalice, can I just say that you are delightful? Well, you are.
It’s my one-year anniversary of coming to work with you all, and I’m so grateful to be working in such a joyful, willing, musical, generous, and deeply caring congregation.

As we went through … read more.