Coordinating Team has approved the use of a new “template” for our Chalice website. We are using a template developed by the UUA’s Outreach Team, based partly on research into how users look for items on church websites. Transfer to the new template is currently underway and … read more.
Bob Nelson presented status of the Capital Fund and the Phase 1 building project at the April 11th Board meeting. The material they presented is on the Members Only section of the Chalice web site under Renovation Committee Revised CUP.
Join Dean Goddette and friends at Chalice on Saturday, May 6 starting at 5 pm. Dean’s band, Kensington, will play. If you have a strong urge to sing the blues, or serve friends your own favorite chili, let them know!
The 2017-2018 pledge drive “A Beacon in North County” ends this Sunday, April 30. Pledging information and a form to submit your commitment can be found at this website: We have received 74 pledges at this time; thank you for making your pledge commitment! We look … read more.
Observing widespread support in the congregation, Chalice’s Board has voted to endorse the “Declaration of Conscience” from the Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee:
At this extraordinary time in our nation’s history, we are called to affirm our profound commitment … read more.
Our April Social Justice Offering will be given to Fraternity House. The mission of Fraternity House and Michelle House is to provide warm and caring homes where very low-income men and women disabled by HIV/AIDS can receive comprehensive care and services in order … read more.
I just finished taking this online class on member engagement. It was not my first experience in taking a course on line, but it was my first online course in “things UU.”
The course was about that journey we all take from our first … read more.
On Saturday, March 18, sixteen Chalice congregants gathered to reflect on our congregation’s social justice calling. We considered joining a public statement that “At this extraordinary time in our nation’s history…we will oppose any and all unjust government actions to deport, register, discriminate, or despoil.” … read more.
I was reminded this past weekend that not everyone is aware that Rev. Elizabeth Bukey will be leaving Chalice by the end of June. Her position, Minister of Congregational Life, was funded for three years, and unfortunately, we will not likely be able to … read more.
Chalice UU Congregation publishes a monthly newsletter. This is an article written by our Board President, Kathy Zapata for the February 2017 newsletter.
“If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise … read more.