Our Governance
At Chalice we govern ourselves, joining our congregation with the larger Unitarian Universalist community, but free of an official denominational hierarchy.
Members elect a governing Board of Trustees at our annual meeting. At the annual congregational meeting, usually held in May, members also adopt the budget for the next year, elect a nominating committee, hear about important developments in congregational life, and discuss on any proposed changes to the bylaws. (Read about becoming a member here.)
The Board focuses on the vision of the congregation, the goals that will help achieve this vision, and the creation of policies to ensure that staff and other congregational leadership have appropriate guidelines available.
The Coordinating Team coordinates, integrates, and advocates the methods for accomplishing the Congregation’s goals in accordance with the Board’s policies. The Coordinating Team is composed of:
- Dean Goddette
- Callie Leef
- Wendy Metzger
- Kathleen Swift, Office Administrator (ex-officio member)
- Rev. Sharon Wylie, Minister (ex-officio member)
Chalice’s staff, committees, and teams implement and guide our ministry programs on a day-to-day basis.
Our bylaws are available in pdf here.