We welcome and affirm people of all abilities. Here is information about the accessibility of our unique campus and the accommodations currently available.


There are two Chapel entrances from the parking lot, both of them with a level approach. There is a slight lip at the Chapel doorways. The restrooms on the ground floor of the Fellowship Building are wheelchair accessible and single-stall. Our coffee hour takes place on the courtyard, which is paved.

Our offices are upstairs, but we easily accommodate meetings on the ground floor.

All rooms in our multipurpose building, the Hub, are wheelchair accessible. Restrooms in the Hub are wheelchair accessible and single-stall.


Large print hymnals and Orders of Service are always available. Please ask any usher for assistance. If you would like an orientation tour of the campus during the week, contact the church office to make arrangements. Our newsletter is emailed out as a downloadable pdf on our website, but we will provide the content as a Word document upon request.


We use an assistive system in our Sanctuary and headsets are available at the table inside the main chapel doors. During all church meetings and workshops, anyone wishing to speak from the audience is strongly encouraged to use the portable microphones so those who are hard of hearing are not excluded.

Chemical Sensitivity & Allergies

We do not use incense or added scents. Please contact the office with any questions or requests about chemical sensitivity or allergies.

Children With Disabilities

If you want your child to participate in the religious education program and feel that they may require special accommodation due to learning disabilities or for other reasons, our Director of Family Ministries would be glad to talk with you. Our enrollment form for Religious Education includes questions about accommodations, allergies, and other needs and that information is shared with our lead teachers.

Service Animals

Service animals are welcome. Please note our service animal policy.


There are eight permitted parking spaces in the main parking lot.

Additional Information

If you have any questions not answered or concerns not
addressed, please contact the church office to seek further information: ChaliceUUC@gmail.com (760) 737 -0393

This page last updated July 2, 2019