Topic: Multigenerational Service

“The Wheel of the Year Turns to Autumn”

Today, we observe our communal Water Ritual, where the blending of waters reminds us of our deep connections to each other. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or other place sacred to you (water will also be provided).

“Flower Communion”

Please bring a flower for the altar as we mark the Easter holiday and revel in the beauty of our diversity.
Children are invited to participate in a hunt after first service (around 10:15). Please bring a basket or bag to collect easter eggs.

“Celebrating Aging”

Our modern culture glorifies youth and devalues aging. But that doesn’t mean we have to! This morning congregants of all ages will celebrate the gifts (and recognize the challenges) of growing older. Congregants 60 years and older will receive blessings and gifts as crones and … read more.

Imbolc Blessings

Imbolc is the Neo-Pagan celebration of the earliest signs of spring, an observance that lives on in our modern Groundhog Day. At this morning’s service, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone will offer blessings of health and protection to all who ask.

“We Call Our Beloved Dead”

Whether you call it Samhain, Día de los Muertos, or All Hallows’ Eve: this is the season to remember and honor our ancestors and beloved dead. Today we gather for our annual service in memory and celebration of those who have gone before us.

Please email … read more.

“The Wheel of the Year Turns to Autumn”

Multigenerational Service
Today, we observe our communal Water Ritual, where the blending of waters reminds us of our deep connections to each other. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or other place sacred to you (water will also be provided).