Speaker: All-Church Service
“Our Favorite Animals” All-Church Service
The poet Wendell Berry wrote about seeking “the peace of wild things” when despair for the world felt too much to bear. This morning is the culmination of our “March Madness” voting for our communal favorite animal! Please bring a fact you might want to share about … read more.
“Answering the Call of Love”
One of our UU hymns declares “we are answering the call of love.” This morning we will consider and share with each other how and where our values call us.
Worship link: https://tinyurl.com/qr5fr4m
“Imbolc Blessings” All-Church Service
Imbolc is the Neo-Pagan celebration of the earliest signs of spring, an observance that lives on in our modern Groundhog Day. At this morning’s service, we honor the goddess Brigid and celebrate the many gifts she offers those who worship her.
Worship link: (link)
How … read more.
“Imbolc Blessings”
Temple Adat Shalom at 1:30 p.m.
Imbolc is the Neo-Pagan celebration of the earliest signs of spring, an observance that lives on in our modern Groundhog Day. At this morning’s service, we honor the goddess Brigid and celebrate her gifts of beauty and creativity. Today’s service … read more.
“Letting Go”
We will meet for worship at 1:30 p.m. at Temple Adat Shalom, 15905 Pomerado Rd, Poway, CA 92064.
We celebrate the new year by considering what burdens we might want to release in order to continue our life’s journey less encumbered. Our ritual will invite you … read more.
“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”
The Wheel of the Year turns to winter. Inspired by Barbara Robinson’s classic children’s novel, we release any need we might have for a “perfect” Christmas pageant and settle, instead, for the BEST Christmas pageant! Come hear the Christmas story with fresh ears and an … read more.
“The Wheel of the Year Turns to Autumn”
Today, we observe our communal Water Ritual, where the blending of waters reminds us of our deep connections to each other. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or other place sacred to you (water will also be provided).
“Our Favorite Animals” All-Church Service
The poet Wendell Berry wrote about seeking “the peace of wild things” when despair for the world felt too much to bear. This morning is the culmination of our “March Madness” voting for our communal favorite animal! Please bring a fact you might want to … read more.