Speaker: Rev. Sharon Wylie

“Still Here, Still Beautiful”

Today we mark International Trans Day of Visibility, which occurs annually on March 31. The day is dedicated to celebrating trans people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by trans people worldwide.

Worship link: (link)

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“March Madness” All-Church Service

The poet Wendell Berry wrote about seeking “the peace of wild things” when despair for the world felt too much to bear. This morning is the culmination of our “March Madness” voting for our communal favorite Pacific Ocean dweller!

Worship link: (link)

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Christmas Eve Service

We gather at a time of longest night to honor one of the most significant holy days in the Christian tradition. Our service includes a play, traditional Christmas hymns, and communal candle lighting. Childcare is not available for this service.

5:30 pm Caroling on the Courtyard

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