Archives: Services

“We All Need Care”

Rev. Sharon says of Chalice that everyone is worried that someone else needs pastoral care, but nobody wants care for themselves. This morning she makes the case that everyone needs care.

Worship link:  (link)

How to view our worship services online using Zoom … read more.

“Keys to Adulting”

There are lots of questions out there about “adulting” and how to do it, but most of the advice can be whittled down to a few key ideas. Rev. Sharon will let you in on these secrets.

Worship link:  (link)

How to view our … read more.

“How to Make Friends”

Making friends is so hard to do that people often use social media to ask for advice on how to do it, venting to each other about the pain of loneliness. Even within a church community like Chalice, it can take time to make connections … read more.

“Imbolc Blessings”

Imbolc is the Neo-Pagan celebration of the earliest signs of spring, an observance that lives on in our modern Groundhog Day. At this morning’s service, we honor the goddess Brigid and celebrate her gifts of beauty and creativity.

Worship link: (link)
How to view our … read more.

“The State of Feminism”

January 29 – Rev. Sharon Wylie
“The State of Feminism”
Are women better off than we used to be?

Worship link: (link)
How to view our worship services online using Zoom (link)

“Living into the 8th Principle”

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we consider the challenges of moving more deeply into antiracism work. This is the third service in our 7-part series “UU Values and Covenant.”

Worship link: (link)
How to view our worship services online using Zoom … read more.