Archives: Services

Raised UU

In honor of Father’s Day, our service reflects on what it is to be “raised.” Several of our congregants who were raised in our Unitarian Universalist faith will share personal reflections on what it has meant to them. There will also be a time to … read more.

Something Greater

As our Muslim neighbors begin the holy month of Ramadan, we explore what Islam has to offer Unitarian Universalists. How might wisdom from Islam inspire us in our ethical and spiritual lives? Rev. Elizabeth will draw on her seminary studies of Islam and her relationship … read more.

Reclaiming Leisure

Embracing voluntary simplicity often brings us to focus on doing less, getting rid of things, saying no, and scaling back. Eventually the time comes to ask, what do we want MORE of? This is the ninth in a 10-part sermon series on voluntary simplicity.
… read more.

Churching Dangerously

We aspire to be a beacon of justice, joy, and love in our community. But that’s a pretty radical proposal in a society that is full of oppression, disconnection, and fear. What risks do we face in living out our vision, and where do we … read more.

“It’s A Wonderful Life” 

We gather at a time of longest night to honor one of the most significant holy days in the Christian tradition. Our service includes a play, traditional Christmas hymns, and communal candle lighting. Childcare is not available for this service. 

5:30 pm Caroling on the Courtyard 

6 … read more.