Archives: Services

“Not Your Grandmother’s God”

A reflection on the common misunderstandings of the Ground of Being.

Rev. Dr. Arvid Straube is a minister emeritus at the First UU Church of San Diego. He has a ministry of spiritual direction and is Interim Director of Contextual Ministry at Meadville Lombard Theological School.

“Hope is a thing with feathers . . .” Poetry Service

In today’s world, more than ever, Emily Dickinson’s poem resonates. Hope perches in the heart and sings wordlessly and without pause, inspiring us onward. We hope you find such inspiration in our poetic offerings from Chalice poets and poetry fans.

“Flower Communion”

Please bring a flower for the altar as we mark the Easter holiday and revel in the beauty of our diversity.
Children are invited to participate in a hunt after first service (around 10:15). Please bring a basket or bag to collect easter eggs.

“Intersections and Microaggressions”

By some accounts, we are experiencing a second wave of the civil rights movement. In observance of Cesar Chavez Day, we will consider how racism, sexism, and classism remain insidious. We will also learn about the national Poor People’s Campaign, led by Rev. Dr. William … read more.

“The Risk of Changing (Active Hope #7)”

Everything is falling apart, and everything is possible . . . which can feel overwhelming! Building a new way of being means believing that change is possible. This is the seventh sermon in a 10-part series inspired by the book “Active Hope” by Chris Johnstone … read more.

“Ethical Eating”

Imagine a world without factory farming. A world where billions of animals no longer suffer. A world with a cleaner and safer environment. Being a vegan or a vegetarian may help create this world but there are other ways to make it happen too. Join … read more.

“Celebrating Aging”

Our modern culture glorifies youth and devalues aging. But that doesn’t mean we have to! This morning congregants of all ages will celebrate the gifts (and recognize the challenges) of growing older. Congregants 60 years and older will receive blessings and gifts as crones and … read more.

Spiritual Weeding

Today we explore how we create and maintain our physical, emotional, and spiritual landscape. What do we plant and nurture? How do we determine what to keep and feed and what is a weed that needs to be eradicated?

Lisa Shaffer is a member of the … read more.

Right Relationship with Money

Do you control your money, or does your money control you? Our fears and anxieties around money sometimes run amok. This morning we consider how to keep an appropriate perspective on the role of money in our lives.