Category: From the Minister

After Worship: What book changed your life?

At our July 19 service, we exchanged recommendations of books that have changed our lives. In my homily, I recommended (not for the first time) Michelle Alexander’s New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.

What book changed your life?

A Vision of Multigenerational Community

Excerpts from the June 21 worship service “What Have You Learned?”

In her book Woman on the Edge of Time, Marge Piercy writes of a utopian society, and one of the practices there was for the elderly to spend the day with the children. One person … read more.

Let’s Talk About Fires

Beloved community,

Let’s talk about fires.

In 2007, wildfires in San Diego forced every single member of my immediate family to evacuate their homes. Living near SDSU, my husband, Peter, and I were the only ones not evacuated. There was a moment in time when it seemed that fires … read more.