Category: From the Board President

President’s Message for September, 2022

Let me start by congratulating Rev. Dr. Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd, our sabbatical minister, on the occasion of his ordination by the Harrisburg Unitarian Universalist Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on August 20, 2022. How fortunate we are to have Rev. Greg as our sabbatical minister at … read more.

President’s Column for August

I recently returned from a vacation including a family reunion, a trip through rural upstate New York, and visits with old childhood friends along the way. It is nice to connect with the past and reminisce, but mostly I delighted in seeing new grandchildren and … read more.

President’s Column for July 2022

Greetings everyone, and a special welcome to our new Board and committee members. Thank you to all for a successful Congregational meeting last month. In addition to the usual Board and budget approvals, we approved a new Mission Statement and adopted a new Eighth Principle. … read more.

President’s Message for May 2022

Hopefully by now most of you have seen or heard our newly proposed mission statement.


With love at the center, the mission of this congregation is to…


INSPIRE individual and communal spiritual growth,

CONNECT through worship, music, learning, and caring ministries, and

ACT to promote UU … read more.

President’s Column for April, 2022

At the last Board of Trustees meeting Kate Vereb gave this reading. I liked it so much that I decided I wanted to share it with you.


Community Means Strength

By Starhawk


We are all longing to go home to some place

we have never been—a place half-remembered and … read more.

President’s Message for March, 2022

Over the last couple of months, the Mission Statement Task Force has put a survey in most of the weekly E-Nuus for everyone’s participation.  Refer to the February 17th E-Nuus for the last survey which also includes all the previous ones.  It’s still not too … read more.