President’s Message for September, 2023

Your Chalice Board of Trustees will be working with you to complete important projects this year. In the spirit of transparency, I’ll be using this column to provide more information about our second goal, the creation of a long range (defined as 5 year) plan. Subsequent information about our third goal, a new vision statement, will be in next month’s column.

Just as seasons change, so do our congregation’s needs and aspirations. The previous long range plan was last conducted in 2018, so it is simply time to create a new one. More importantly, we see visioning as a chance to strengthen our community, deepen our impact and ensure that we thrive as a beacon of light in a world seeking unity and compassion.

Imagine what Chalice will look like in 2028.

What does Sunday morning sound like? Who will be here? How will we help each other and the surrounding community? How much money and time and how many other resources will we devote to our plans and programs?

As we embark on this path, your involvement is crucial. Look out for announcements where you can contribute your thoughts, dreams, and ideas. This is your chance to help shape the future of our congregation and leave a lasting impact.

In the spirit of unity and growth, let’s embark on this journey of exploration and imagination. Together, we can build a future that embodies the values and principles that define us as Unitarian Universalists.

In love and service,
