Author: WebsiteVolunteer

Report on Social Justice Forum

On Saturday, March 18, sixteen Chalice congregants gathered to reflect on our congregation’s social justice calling. We considered joining a public statement that “At this extraordinary time in our nation’s history…we will oppose any and all unjust government actions to deport, register, discriminate, or despoil.” … read more.

From Our Board President February 2017

Chalice UU Congregation publishes a monthly newsletter. This is an article written by our Board President, Kathy Zapata for the February 2017 newsletter.

“If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise … read more.

From the Board President January 2017


I dare say that many of us in our little community are beginning 2017 with a sense of relief – at least 2016 is over! We experienced real losses this past year, both within our congregation and more distant … read more.

From Rev. Elizabeth: Why Chalice Matters

Why is Chalice important? What does it mean that this band of some 200 congregants exists in this old house on Miller, tucked away in a residential neighborhood? If the congregation disappeared one day, what would that mean to ourselves, to the North County community, … read more.