Tag: after worship

After Worship: “Inside Out” Multigen Service

It’s Sunday around 4 p.m., and I’m still feeling tender and spiritually nourished after worship this morning. Planning our multigenerational services–which aspire to engage us in ways that sermon-focused services can’t–is usually a pretty big challenge. As much as I love worship that is creative … read more.

After Worship: Learning More About Paganism

I promised some book recommendations for those of you who would like to learn more about Neo-Paganism. There are thousands of Pagan books out there, with many, many, many designed to be introductory. These are just a few of my personal favorites:

Wicca: A Guide … read more.

After Worship: What book changed your life?

At our July 19 service, we exchanged recommendations of books that have changed our lives. In my homily, I recommended (not for the first time) Michelle Alexander’s New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.

What book changed your life?