Archives: Services

Music Service

9 & 11 AM
It’s the annual Spring Music Service! This year we celebrate “mUUsical masters”, with selections from Unitarian Universalist composers and song writers. The Chancel Choir will present “Three Hungarian Folk Songs” by Bela Bartok; a beautiful rendition of “Loch Lamond”, arranged by … read more.

Question Box Sunday

July 16, 2017

Do you have something you’ve always wanted to ask a minister, the minister, YOUR minister? Today’s the day to bring your question! Questions will be collected during the service and answered by Rev. Sharon in lieu of a sermon. Children’s questions will be … read more.

Sources and Goodbyes

9 & 11 AM
Unitarian Universalism draws on six sources of wisdom and our congregants have a wide range of beliefs about important religious questions. This morning we explore the beauty and challenges of our UU experiment: how can religious community be created among … read more.

Compassionate Living

9 & 11 AM
The last step to compassionate living is to wish our enemies well. Can we do it? And who are our enemies anyway? This is the final sermon in a 10-part sermon series inspired by Karen Armstrong’s book, Twelve Steps to … read more.

Fire of Welcome

The Christian holiday of Pentecost uses images of fire to represent the presence of the Holy. Our UU denomination uses a cup of flame as its symbol. On this day we explore the origins of both traditions, and how we can honor the messages of … read more.

Sharing With Strangers

Religious teachings often admonish us to welcome the stranger. But there are real dangers and risks in the world. How do we reconcile our need for safety with the call to hospitality? This is the ninth in a 10-part sermon series inspired by Karen Armstrong’s … read more.


Most of us dislike change. But it’s also inevitable. On this Sunday, we explore how we address change and move into transformation.

Compassion of a Global Citizen

Developing compassion requires more than cultivating empathy. Real study and learning is also a benefit. This is the eighth in a 10-part sermon series on Compassionate Living, inspired by Karen Armstrong’s book Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life.

How Should We Speak to One Another

How to talk with people who disagree with us is the conundrum of our time. Increasingly, people simply choose NOT to talk with one another about differences. But should we really close ourselves off from important dialogue? This is the sixth in a 10-part sermon … read more.

Though You’ve Broken Your Vows

The Sufi poet Rumi writes, “Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times.” At the heart of our congregational polity is our understanding of covenant, the promises we make to each other. What does it mean to make promises we know we … read more.