Archives: Services

“Unbuilding a New Way”

As Unitarian Universalists, we often talk about Building a New Way, but on occasion it can be helpful to first Unbuild and let go of stories that no longer serve us. Join Alix Klingenberg for thoughts on simplifying our lives, so that we might truly … read more.

“Invisible People”

Human trafficking is San Diego’s second largest underground economy, after drug trafficking. But most of us know very little about this modern day slavery. Please join us for an educational (and gently worded) service as we consider how we can help.

July 23 – “Book Communion”

Multigenerational Service

Reading changes lives. Today we celebrate the pleasure and importance of reading! Congregants will share thoughts on the life-changing experience of reading. We’ll remember some of our favorite titles and have opportunities to make recommendations to others.

July 16 – “Question Box Sunday”

Do you have something you’ve always wanted to ask a minister, the minister, YOUR minister? Today’s the day to bring your question! Questions will be collected during the service and answered by Rev. Sharon in lieu of a sermon. Children’s questions will be answered during … read more.

Addicted to the Sensational

The world around us is filled with pleasurable experiences: sounds, sights, things to taste and touch. But too much of a good thing can sometimes be harmful. How do we know when we cross the line from enjoyment to addiction?

Once Upon a Time—Again

9 & 11 AM

Popular guest speaker and UCLA oncology chaplain Michael Eselun will
explore the meaning and hidden gifts that may lie in our stories, just
waiting to be told again.