This is the seventh Sunday of our Summer Worship Series: Bread for the Journey.
“Let’s Rock It Out!” is the name of the song written by the band Rev. Channin coached this summer at girls rock camp. Seeing the freedom and un-self conscious energy that little kids bring to activities that typically terrify adults—like performing with a band—made her wonder: what happened to us between then and now? How can we get back some of that freedom and joy?
Rev. Jennifer Channin is a community minister affiliated with the Summit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. She has helped them create a program that leads worship services for women of all faiths at the Las Colinas Women’s Detention Center. She is the Development Director of a nonprofit called Farm Forward that works to end factory farming and build a better food system.
Bread for the Journey: We live in troubled times. It is more important than ever that we pay attention to sustaining ourselves for the hard work of building a better world. Our summer worship series (July and August) will offer inspiration to keep us going as we face hard times.