Archives: Services

“Leaving Well”

On our final Sunday with our Sabbatical Minister, we revisit some of the wisdom we shared with one another and what our shared Unitarian Universalist theology has to offer about leavetaking. Come for the celebration and stay for the service. See you at church!


Worship link:  … read more.

“Association Sunday”

While the central practice of our faith is individuals joining together to make promises to one another, the power of our faith is those communities working together to ensure no one is left on the margins. The living manifestation of this power is our Unitarian … read more.

“Poetry Service”

Humans read and write poetry to articulate their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and love for each other. Poems express powerful emotions that last as long as we hear a poem, and then continue to play in our minds as we encounter joys or troubles in life.  … read more.

Indigenous-Led Service of Celebration: “Indigenous Peoples Day”

Indigenous-Led Service of Celebration:  Indigenous Peoples Day

Joint Service with Palomar UU Fellowship

Sunday October 9 – Location:  Felicita Park


Multigenerational Service: All are welcome to join this special celebration to honor the cultures and perseverance of the Original Peoples of this land. We continue Moving on the … read more.


The Jewish High Holy Days continue this Sunday as we spotlight Yom Kippur, which begins on October 4th. The holiest day of the Jewish liturgical year, Yom Kippur invites faithful observers to atone and repent for behavior that broke relationship with one another and the … read more.


Rosh HaShanah, the festival marking the beginning of the Jewish liturgical calendar, commences on September 25th this year. For faithful observers, the first afternoon often involves symbolically removing sin through the practice of casting stones or bread crumbs into flowing water called Tashlikh. Adaptations of … read more.


Sometimes, the world is just too much; there is just too much to do; and, everything is moving just too fast. In those times, we must decide how to keep moving onward toward the Beloved Community. Circle round for a service of plotting how to … read more.

“Welcome Back”

Multigenerational Service. All are welcome to our annual ingathering service celebrating returning to the rhythms of the congregational year and our water ritual. Please bring water from a place that holds great meaning or spiritual significance for you. Children and youth of all ages will … read more.

“Labor of Faith and Love”

Much has changed since 1882, when the first Labor Day was celebrated in New York City. How are we to celebrate/honor Labor Day in an ever-dreaming consumeristic market? And how does our Unitarian Universalist Faith call upon us to engage and respond 140 years later … read more.

“Labor without Love”

In an audio clip that has now become memefied, mid-20th century scholar James Baldwin, offers “Darling, I have told you several times, I have no dream job, I do not dream of labor.” As we enter the week that precedes the hardwon observance of Labor … read more.