Archives: Services

“On Conflict and Covenant”

Covenanting is the central practice of our Unitarian Universalist faith. Although covenants provide a roadmap for how to stay in relationship when times are great as well as when they are tough, we seldom address how covenants call us to conflict. Get ready to engage … read more.

“Hymn Sing Sunday”

Unitarian Universalists are proud of our eclectic musical tradition, beautifully expressed in our hymnals.  Singing together in community is a cherished part of Chalice’s congregational life.   Our hymn-sing service will feature a mix of old and new favorites, accompanied by our talented Chalice instrumentalists!  This … read more.

“What We Take for Granted”

July 31–Rev. David Miller (video sermon)

“What We Take for Granted”

Before he was ordained, David Miller was Chalice’s intern minister from 2006-2007. He has served as the Senior Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, Virginia, since 2015.

Worship link:  (link)

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“Mutual Care”

July 24–Rev. Elizabeth Bukey (video sermon)

“Mutual Care”

How do you express care for those you love? How do you receive rest and care? On this Sunday, we talk about burnout, stress, and the limitations of “self-care.”


Rev. Bukey was Chalice’s Minister of Congregational Life from 2014-2017. She … read more.

“Predicting the Future with Octavia Butler”

July 17–Rev. Lucy Bunch (in person)

“Predicting the Future with Octavia Butler”

Octavia Butler, science fiction writer extraordinaire said to one of her students: “there’s no single answer that will solve all of our future problems. There’s no magic bullet. Instead, there are thousands of answers–at least. … read more.

“Communities that Heal”

July 10–Rev. Tania Márquez (in person)

Title: “Communities that Heal” 

Communities play an important role in creating spaces for healing; they do so through the ministries they create. Most of this work happens organically, but this is an exploration to think about how … read more.

“All the Things”

Today is Rev. Sharon’s last Sunday with us until she returns to the pulpit on November 6, after four months of sabbatical. This morning she will share her thoughts on these first ten years at Chalice.

Worship link:  (link)

How to view our worship … read more.

“Flower Ceremony”

The flower ceremony was originally created in 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Capek of Prague, Czechoslovakia as a celebration of diversity. This morning we’ll celebrate together and remember the story of Rev. Capek.


Worship link: (link)

How to view our worship services online using … read more.