Archives: Services


We celebrate the new year by remembering what keeps us going when we face hard times.

Worship link: (link)
How to view our worship services online using Zoom (link)

Christmas Eve Service

We gather at a time of longest night to honor one of the most significant holy days in the Christian tradition. Masks required. Childcare is not available for this service.

5:15 pm Caroling on the Courtyard

6 pm Service in the Chapel begins

6:45 pm Candles on the … read more.

“Winter Solstice”

Let’s celebrate the shortest day of the year! This is the second service in our 7-part series “UU Values and Covenant.” This is the fourth Sunday of Advent.

Worship link:  (link)

How to view our worship services online using Zoom (link)

“Feelings are Information”

Too often we struggle with not feeling the way we think we’re supposed to: feeling sad at parties, giggly at serious events, tired when we’re getting ready to go somewhere fun. This morning we’ll consider what to do when our feelings don’t match the moment. … read more.

“Inside the Mind: Self and Parts”

This morning Rev. Sharon shares some of her learning from sabbatical, informed by a model of psychotherapy called “internal family systems.”

Worship link: (link)

How to view our worship services online using Zoom (link)

“We Call Our Beloved Dead”

In many faith and cultural traditions, this is the season to remember and honor our ancestors and beloved dead. Today we gather for our annual remembrance service in memory and celebration of those who have gone before us.


Worship link:  (link)

How to view … read more.