Category: From the Board President

From the Board President July 2016

I write my first column as Chalice’s incoming congregational president while processing the death of my mother Pat. Many of you know that my mom spent the last four years in a memory care facility in Escondido, where I visited with her once or twice … read more.

President’s Message – June 2016

June is an exciting time at Chalice, with folks thinking about their summer trips, children excited to be out-of-school, and a congregational year winding down. My time as Congregation President draws to a close at the end of the month. Thanks to everyone on the … read more.

President’s Message – May 2016

May at Chalice brings the end of the Pledge Drive, where we all are asked to commit (and recommit) financial support to Chalice’s annual operating budget. This sustaining action supports all of our staff and all our committees’ activities and is the foundation our annual … read more.

President’s Message – April 2016

Spring is blooming within our Chalice property, so I encourage everyone to take a leisurely stroll around the grounds and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Chalice’s entire campus garnered a habitat designation several years ago, called “Backyard Wildlife Habitat” at the time but now designated as a National Wildlife … read more.

President’s Message – March 2016

Last month I mentioned that I would share a saga of my family’s history, with respect to estate planning. My story is a cautionary one, showing what can happen in one unfortunate healthcare situation due to a legal loophole. The upcoming Successful Aging Strategies Team … read more.

February President’s Message

It is my great pleasure to announce that the Board of Trustees has approved Rev. Sharon Wylie’s sabbatical leave, starting this July 4th through October 30, 2016. This four-month leave, which will be Rev. Wylie’s time for rest, renewal, research, and reflection, will finish ahead … read more.

January President’s Message

Happy New Year 2016. As we embark on this new year, our Chalice mission “Open hearts, open minds, open doors, nurturing spirits and seeking justice within the wider world” is again a reminder for our social justice work. We are a congregation of people … read more.

November President’s Message

“Chalice is a place where there are no bullies” was the heartfelt response our second and third graders replied with as to why they liked coming to Chalice. Their honest answer brings tears of joy to my eyes. Our students feel safe from bullying, in the RE classrooms and at Chalice. I would love to know why … read more.

October President’s Message

The Religious Education program has kicked-off to an excellent start! Our Chalice children are extraordinarily bright, inquisitive, and enjoy learning. It is very satisfying personally working with the students on UU principles and the impact of these principles on our wider world. One intriguing new feature within our classrooms is the Feelings Board, which shows an image … read more.