Category: From the Board President

President’s Message for September 2021

One of the goals for the Board this year is as follows. “Support the Outreach team to make Chalice more visible to the outside Community and encourage growth, with a goal of diversifying membership”


Our current membership at Chalice includes 130 members, 9 non-voting members, 5 … read more.

President’s Message – January 2020

Happy New Year! I’m excited about 2020 for a couple of reasons. For one, it’s nice to have a decade that’s easier to talk about. “The twenties” is so much easier than either “the aughts” or the “the tens (or teens)”. The second and bigger … read more.

President’s Message – December 2019

First off, the Strong Finish Campaign was a success – thank you all for your support. The work on new playground is now in the hands of the Coordinating Team and Family Ministries. Read on.

I’ve recently had a surprising number of conversations with congregants about … read more.

President’s Message – November 2019

November’s here. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Harvest Festivals and the beginning of what has become known as the Holiday Season. Take a deep breath and enjoy the three-month long ride on what feels a bit like those bumper cars at amusement parks. You get knocked around a … read more.

President’s Message – October 2019

October has arrived in Escondido with the promise of some cooler days. I’m hopeful.

We’ve been busy putting the finishing touches on construction and things are really starting to look great. By the time you read this, we will have finished our annual Oktoberfest celebration, for … read more.

President’s Message – September 2019

My September letter is coming to you from what the local t-shirts announce as “the fun side of the wall”. At slightly over a mile high, San Miguel De Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico has cool nights, hot days, cobblestone streets, great food, lots to see and … read more.