President’s Column for October, 2022

We are now 3 months into Rev. Sharon’s 4 month sabbatical and I wish to thank  Rev. Dr. Greg for his excellent services and guidance while Rev. Sharon is away. Also, I am very grateful to the Coordinating Team and the Worship Associates who have done an outstanding job of keeping things going and providing outstanding services during Rev. Sharon’s absence.

I am delighted to see our campus is getting busier and busier, and in-person attendance at Sunday services is on the rise. Although pandemic restrictions are still in effect, it is starting to feel like we are finally leaving the pandemic behind.  It was a delight to hear the choir sing at Sunday service for the first time in over two years!

As presented at the June Congregational meeting, Chalice has received matching grants for the installation of solar panels and for technology hardware to help us with hybrid services. Fundraisers for these much needed projects are now underway and I encourage everyone to give generously.

The Chalice Board of Trustees has begun the planning process for determining our five year goals. This may take most of the year to complete and we hope to hear from many of you during the process. Our culture and environment are rapidly changing, and we must re-examine the role of religion and Chalice going forward.

Inspire, connect, act.


Tom Carlstrom, Board President