Greetings from Deb Coon, Dennis Brown, and Rev. Elizabeth, current co-chairs of the newly re-organized Social Justice Team! We see our role as empowering and overseeing social justice programs and actions here at Chalice. Do you have a social justice program, project, or specific action … read more.
At the January 15 “greeter” meeting, a decision was reached to separate some of the traditional greeter duties to create a new position for Sunday mornings: usher.
Ushers are part of worship team along with worship associates, song leaders, story tellers, musicians, and our Chalice professional … read more.
Chalice congregants signed cards of love and support for our Muslim friends at church on Sunday, January 29. The card was then delivered to the Islamic Society of North County (ISNC, located in Escondido) on Friday, February 3.
Four Chalice congregants represented our community in delivering the … read more.
I dare say that many of us in our little community are beginning 2017 with a sense of relief – at least 2016 is over! We experienced real losses this past year, both within our congregation and more distant … read more.
This Sunday is our monthly Social Justice Sunday, when we donate our offering to a local organization that makes a difference in our larger community. This month, our offering supports Just in Time for Foster Youth (JIT). Just in Time for Foster Youth engages a … read more.
Why is Chalice important? What does it mean that this band of some 200 congregants exists in this old house on Miller, tucked away in a residential neighborhood? If the congregation disappeared one day, what would that mean to ourselves, to the North County community, … read more.
Ah, change. Sometimes it’s welcome, but often it’s stressful, even painful. I have been reminded in recent weeks just how grateful I am for our little community. And through it all, the work of Chalice congregation goes on.
Coordinating Team would like to thank and recognize Callie Leef for her work as the Coordinating Team Lead during Rev. Sharon’s sabbatical and continuing into the congregational year.