Category: Chalice Blog

News from the Chalice Unitarian Univeralist Congregation in Escondido, CA

Transformation Team Update

(Mission: Through education, self-reflection, and social action, the Transformation Team will assist the congregation to identify and dismantle white supremacy culture and racism at Chalice and the world.)
During last Sunday’s Worship Service, Reverend Sharon and the Team urged congregants to take the Implicit Association Test … read more.

Transformation Team Video Request

The Transformation Team made a request of Chalice congregants during our July 19 Sunday worship. You can watch their video here:



You can watch the entire worship service, “Comfortable with Discomfort,” here:


Introducing the Transformation Team!

Helping Chalice Respond to White Supremacy and
Support the Black Lives Matter Movement 

In response to a call to work on white supremacy culture from Rev. Sharon, the UUA Commission on Institutional Change, Black Lives UU, and many members of color in our faith, … read more.

Rest in Peace, Steven Withers

Steven Withers has been one of Chalice’s Sunday worship musicians since 2016. We have just learned that he died unexpectedly on May 2, apparently from a heart attack. We will miss him. We will miss his smiling face. We will miss his music.

Steven Withers

Steven … read more.

Tips for Attending Sunday Coffee Hour

Attending Sunday worship on Zoom means you need to see and hear what’s happening—fairly simple for anyone who is comfortable watching videos on YouTube or other places online.

Attending coffee hour on Zoom means that other people need to hear—and hopefully see—YOU. A bit trickier.

If you … read more.