Author: RevSharon

Sack Lunches

February 2016 and 2015: We made 150 sack lunches for people experiencing homelessness, to be distributed by our partner, Interfaith Community Services.

After Worship: Martin Luther King Sunday


This morning’s sermon was challenging, I know. I’m grateful to serve a congregation where the minister can offer a challenging sermon and be thanked. Several congregants told me I gave them a lot to think about, which is all I hope for from a sermon.


This … read more.

Memorial for Gordon Carter

A memorial service for Gordon Carter will be held at Chalice on Saturday, January 23rd at 2 p.m.

For those coming from out of town:
Escondido, California is about 30 miles northeast of downtown San Diego. You will want to fly into San Diego International Airport (aka … read more.