Happy New Year 2016. As we embark on this new year, our Chalice mission “Open hearts, open minds, open doors, nurturing spirits and seeking justice within the wider world” is again a reminder for our social justice work. We are a congregation of people who uphold these ideas and look throughout our community for underrepresented people who need support. We are a congregation of people whom one can take at “face-value”, as we openly affirm the rights of all. Our mission statement reflects this openness and we nurture our community together.
On January 16th, we will ordain the Rev. Elizabeth Bukey, our Minister of Congregational Life. All are invited to attend! The ceremony will begin at 3:00 pm, at First UU Church in Hillcrest, as Rev. Bukey was previously a ministerial intern there, before coming to Chalice. Their facility is large enough to accommodate all the attendees. Rev. Bukey entered into Preliminary Fellowship with the UUA this fall and we are proud to partner with First UU Church for this important event, honoring Rev. Bukey. I would like to thank everyone who donated towards this ordination, at our recent Winter Music Service.
Our annual Chalice Auction is scheduled for February 6th, at 5:00 pm and this is an exciting fundraiser! It is our most important fundraising event of the year and promises fun for everyone, including children, with a separate Children’s Auction. Delicious dinner events, throughout this coming year, and treasures, will be auctioned during an evening of conviviality. There will be a comprehensive catalog of all items and services, up for bid, distributed a week or so before the actual date. If you would like to donate an event or treasure, the Chalice Action team will want to hear from you! Parents, this is also a chance to donate gently used children’s toys and books for the Children’s Auction. They will be collected the first week of February.
– Susan Spoto
Board President