Topic: Spirit Study series
“Looking for Shark Teeth”
We don’t have to look hard to find joyous, enlightening and affirming things in our everyday lives. Who knows what can be revealed to us if we take the time to pay attention to the moment we are in and then . . . pause. … read more.
Who are reckonings on race and histories of oppression really aimed at and what do they accomplish?
Rev. Dyer is the Lead Minister at First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist, Cambridge, MA and a Harvard University Chaplain. He is the author of Love Beyond God, a … read more.
“Living Into Possibility: A Womanist Faith”
Writer Alice Walker introduced the term “womanist” to our lexicon nearly 40 years ago, describing the experiences of Black women at the intersection of gender, race, class, culture, and sexuality. Today’s service explores womanist theology and faith that has infused individual lives, communities, and even … read more.
Isabel Wilkerson writes: “Caste is the granting or withholding of respect, status, honor, attention, privileges, resources, the benefit of the doubt, and human kindness to someone on the basis of their perceived rank or standing in the hierarchy.” Today Rev. John will discuss the realities of caste and … read more.
“What to BIPOC is Unitarian Universalism?”
Please note: This sermon will NOT be available on YouTube after the service.
In 1852, the great orator Frederick Douglass was invited to give a speech in his hometown commemorating the 4th of July. In his speech, Douglass spoke of the aspirations for freedom central to the … read more.
“The First Shall Be Last and the Last First”
Our first UU principle focuses on the individual’s worth and dignity. The seventh speaks to the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. What might be the impact on our collective orientation to life if the last was first and the … read more.
“Diversity and Difference”
How do we respect our independence and individuality while also honoring the ways that we are all interdependent on each other? Rev. Kimberly Johnson serves as minister of the UU Congregation of the South Fork on the east end of Long Island in Bridgehampton, New … read more.
“The Grace in Gratitude”
In November most people look forward to gathering around the family table in celebration of the American Holiday of Thanksgiving. How accurate are the stories that we learned as children about the first harvest feast held in 1621 from the reality of that day? How … read more.
“The Good Samaritan”
Ever wonder if there might be more to the well known and beloved biblical parable “The Good Samaritan”? Well, I’ve come to view it in a whole new way lately. Come explore with me and see if this exploration impacts your understanding of the parable … read more.