Speaker: Rev. Sharon Wylie
“Sermons with Spoilers: Dogma”
This is the third in a series of sermons in which Rev. Sharon shares her thoughts and analyses of religious-themed movies and tv shows.
Worship link: https://tinyurl.com/qr5fr4m
“Learning from Our History”
In honor of Black History Month, we will hear and reflect on the experiences of some of our earliest Black Unitarian ministers: Egbert Ethelred Brown and Lewis McGee. Our service is informed by the book Black Pioneers in a White Denomination by Mark Morrison-Reed.
Worship link: … read more.
“Celebrating Aging” All-Church Service
Our modern culture glorifies youth and devalues aging. But that doesn’t mean we have to! This morning congregants of all ages will celebrate the gifts (and recognize the challenges) of growing older.
Worship link: (link)
How to view our worship services online using Zoom (… read more.
“Sermons with Spoilers: Fleabag”
“Imbolc Blessings” All-Church Service
Imbolc is the Neo-Pagan celebration of the earliest signs of spring, an observance that lives on in our modern Groundhog Day. At this morning’s service, we honor the goddess Brigid and celebrate the many gifts she offers those who worship her.
Worship link: (link)
How … read more.
“Sermons with Spoilers: Good Omens”
“What Would Dr. King Say?”
“It’s a Wonderful Life”
We gather at a time of longest night to honor one of the most significant holy days in the Christian tradition. Our service includes a play, traditional Christmas hymns, and communal candle lighting. Childcare is not available for this service.
5:30 pm Caroling on the Courtyard
“The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” All-Church Service
Inspired by Barbara Robinson’s classic children’s novel, we release any need we might have for a “perfect” Christmas pageant and settle, instead, for the BEST Christmas pageant! Come hear the Christmas story with fresh ears and an open heart, and be prepared to participate in … read more.