Speaker: Rev. Sharon Wylie
“Time is Speeding Up”
So much information comes at us so quickly these days that events of just a week ago can seem like months. For many of us, the past year has felt like a lifetime. How do we cope with the stress this disorientation brings with it? … read more.
“The Promise and the Practice of Our Faith”
In honor of Martin Luther King Day, this morning’s service will feature the voices and stories of Black Unitarian Universalists. Our offering this morning will benefit the Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism Organizing Collective (BLUU).
“Where is Christmas?” Christmas Eve Service
We gather at a time of longest night to honor one of the most significant holy days in the Christian tradition. Our service includes a play, traditional Christmas hymns, and a communal candle lighting.
Children are naturally a part of this service, and no childcare … read more.
“Who Tells the Story?” Multigenerational Service
Today our morning gatherings include a simple breakfast at 9 am, a 10 am service reflecting on the Christmas story as told in the four gospels of the Christian Bible, followed by coffee and conversation for those who would like to gather at 11 am. … read more.
“Waiting for”
In December we joyfully look ahead to holidays we know are coming But we live much of our lives in uncertainty, waiting and hoping for events that may not happen. How do we cope with so much uncertainty?
This is the fifth day of Hanukkah … read more.
“Community in the Digital Age”
The internet and social media have connected us as never before. But in many ways, we are also more disconnected than ever. How can both things be true? This is the fourth sermon in a 10-part series inspired by the book Active Hope by Chris … read more.
“What About Identity Politics?”
A sense of group identity can be comforting and empowering. But it can also keep us from feeling part of a larger whole. Are identity politics holding us back? This is the second sermon in a 10-part sermon series inspired by the book Active Hope … read more.
“When the Mirror is Broken”
It is estimated that 2-5% of the population has borderline personality disorder. This illness can be treated but often goes undiagnosed. This morning we’ll learn more about this disorder and how to support loved ones who have it. This service marks the start of Mental … read more.
“The Wheel of the Year Turns to Autumn”
Multigenerational Service
Today, we observe our communal Water Ritual, where the blending of waters reminds us of our deep connections to each other. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or other place sacred to you (water will also be provided).