Speaker: Rev. Sharon Wylie

“Jesus was Single”

It’s not easy being single in a world that assumes everyone is part of a couple (or wants to be). Our service today considers the surprising ways that expectations and assumptions of couplehood are conveyed. Today is our annual chocolate and berries service.

“Imbolc Blessings” All Church Service

Imbolc is the Neo-Pagan celebration of the earliest signs of spring, an observance that lives on in our modern Groundhog Day. At this morning’s service, we honor the goddess Brigid and celebrate her gifts of beauty and creativity.

No RE classes today. Childcare available in … read more.

“In Defense of Etiquette”

Manners, etiquette, and politeness have been all but abandoned as norms we aspire to. But many of the old “rules” may provide us some welcome help in navigating the challenges of new technologies.

“Soon and Very Soon”

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, this morning’s service will reflect on the contemporary issues that would surely attract MLK’s involvement were he alive today, including the pervasiveness of white supremacy, poverty, and militarism.

“Avoiding the Work”

Life is full of things to do to keep us too distracted to notice what needs changing. What might happen if we stop avoiding the work we are called to do? This is the fifth in a 10-part series on resiliency, informed by the book … read more.

“Let Christmas Come” Christmas Eve Service

We gather at a time of longest night to honor one of the most significant holy days in the Christian tradition. Our service includes a play, traditional Christmas hymns, and communal candle lighting. Childcare is not available for this service.

“Honoring Anger”

This is the fourth in a 10-part series on resiliency, informed by the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. This is the third Sunday of Advent.

“Wonders Unfolding”

Artificial intelligence is a developing technology that has some people excited, some fearful, and some both! This morning we will consider the ethical responsibilities of this new technology. This is the first Sunday of Advent.