Speaker: Lay-led service

“The Road Less Traveled”

Temple Adat Shalom at 1:30 pm

Several of our Chalice congregants share their personal stories on what it has been like to choose the road less traveled in life. Please join our worship associates for this lay led service.

“Reflections on Home”

Temple Adat Shalom at 1:30 pm

Many famous poets have penned tributes to the places they call home. Anne Bronte wrote ” . . . Though all around this mansion high / invites the foot to roam, . and though its halls are fair within — … read more.

“The Church of What We Know”

Temple Adat Shalom at 1:30 p.m.

UU musician Peter Mayer suggests in a sermon that “perhaps what UUs are about lies not so much in WHAT WE DON’T KNOW but rather in WHAT WE DO KNOW.” Chalice congregants Tom Carlstrom and Debi Streett-Idell will lead the … read more.

“Border Stories”

As a border town, San Diego has a unique relationship with Mexico. This morning we reflect on what it is to live in such close proximity to an “other” country.

“Hope is a thing with feathers . . .” Poetry Service

In today’s world, more than ever, Emily Dickinson’s poem resonates. Hope perches in the heart and sings wordlessly and without pause, inspiring us onward. We hope you find such inspiration in our poetic offerings from Chalice poets and poetry fans.

“Shining Stones”

What shining stones have you laid down this year? Where will you find more in 2018? Inspired by Lynn Ungar’s poem “Hansel and Gretel,” join us in discovering shining stones that return us to a place of comfort and peace of mind while avoiding the … read more.