Speaker: Lay-led service
“Playing with Wonder”
“What You (Probably) Don’t Know About Saving the Earth”
“How Unitarian Universalism Changed My Life”
Several of our Chalice congregants will share their reflections on the transforming power of our faith tradition. This is the sixth service in our 7-part series “UU Values and Covenant.”
Worship link: (link)
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“From Homeless to Home”
Chalice’s Social Justice and Service Team shares our October 2019 experience as 25 Chalice congregants built a home for a housing-challenged family in Tijuana through Casas de Luz organization. From our place of privilege we take housing for granted. What does it mean to go … read more.
“Letting Go” All-Church Service
We celebrate the coming new year by considering what burdens we might want to release in order to continue our life’s journey less encumbered. Our ritual will invite you to let go of something weighing you down, and also to affirm what you want more … read more.
“Join the Climate Strike”
A worldwide climate strike is planned for Friday, September 20. This morning’s service calls us to understand the dangers of climate crisis and lifts up the outrage of continued inaction.
“Celebrating the Sun” – All-Church Service
Let’s celebrate the summer solstice with a service of story, song, and raising energy!
“The Road Less Traveled”
Temple Adat Shalom at 1:30 pm
Several of our Chalice congregants share their personal stories on what it has been like to choose the road less traveled in life. Please join our worship associates for this lay led service.
“Reflections on Home”
Temple Adat Shalom at 1:30 pm
Many famous poets have penned tributes to the places they call home. Anne Bronte wrote ” . . . Though all around this mansion high / invites the foot to roam, . and though its halls are fair within — … read more.