Archives: Services

“The Rainbow Sign”

What does our covenantal faith mean for our relationship with the wider world? What is our duty regarding justice? What happens when we fall short of that promise?

Rev. KC Slack is the minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Verduga Hills in La Crescenta, … read more.

“The Epidemic of Loneliness”

Nearly half of all Americans say they are lonely, lacking relationships that make them feel known and understood. Younger people and millennials are not exempt. Why is loneliness so prevalent, what are the emotional and physical consequences, and what can be done about it?

Alice Dodd … read more.

“Honoring Yom Kippur”

Yom Kippur, which begins this year at sundown on October 8th, is considered the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, a time for reflection and asking for forgiveness. We honor this High Holy Day by considering how we might offer forgiveness to those who have … read more.

“Homecoming” All-Church Service

If you’ve been away for a while, today is the perfect day to return! We observe our communal Water Ritual, where the blending of waters reminds us of our deep connections to each other. Please bring a small amount of water from your home or … read more.

“Join the Climate Strike”

A worldwide climate strike is planned for Friday, September 20. This morning’s service calls us to understand the dangers of climate crisis and lifts up the outrage of continued inaction.

“Reflections on Liberation”

Each of us faces pressure to behave in ways that conform to cultural norms. Many of us have chosen not to be limited by those norms. But how do we understand people who can’t seem to break free of conformity? And what if our true … read more.

“The Power of We”

Meeting at Chalice 2324 Miller Avenue, Escondido
Join our congregants Dennis Brown, Sally Brown, Dean Goddette, and Tim Holmes as they share learning and reflections from this year’s General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations

RE classes during the 10:00 service.

“Even Good Change is Hard”

10 a.m. at Miller Avenue
Seven years ago this month, Rev. Sharon preached her first sermon as Chalice’s called and settled minister, a sermon with this same title! As we return to our Miller campus after months of construction, we’ll consider how we nurture our … read more.