Archives: Services


Who are reckonings on race and histories of oppression really aimed at and what do they accomplish?

Rev. Dyer is the Lead Minister at First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist, Cambridge, MA and a Harvard University Chaplain. He is the author of Love Beyond God, a … read more.

“Adoration Sunday”

To adore is to love deeply and fully. This May Day is our annual celebration of the beauty and blessings of loving with our whole hearts.

Worship link:  (link)

How to view our worship services online using Zoom (link) 

“Finding Faith”

Easter is one of the most significant holy days in the Christian tradition. But what does it mean to Unitarian Universalists? This morning we reflect on how we can find inspiration from the Easter story.

Worship link: (link)

How to view our worship services … read more.

“Living Into Possibility: A Womanist Faith”

Writer Alice Walker introduced the term “womanist” to our lexicon nearly 40 years ago, describing the experiences of Black women at the intersection of gender, race, class, culture, and sexuality. Today’s service explores womanist theology and faith that has infused individual lives, communities, and even … read more.