Archives: Services

“What It Means to be Multicultural”

The word “multicultural” is often used as if it were a synonym for “diverse.” But being in a community of multiple cultures is more complicated than that. Let’s consider what might need to change at Chalice for us to become a multicultural community.

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“There Is No Spoon”

Today we mark International Transgender Day of Visibility, which occurs annually on March 31. The day is dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide.

Worship link: (link)

How to view our worship services online using Zoom … read more.


Isabel Wilkerson writes: “Caste is the granting or withholding of respect, status, honor, attention, privileges, resources, the benefit of the doubt, and human kindness to someone on the basis of their perceived rank or standing in the hierarchy.” Today Rev. John will discuss the realities of caste and … read more.

“Worthy Now”

The Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) is our UU online congregation and the largest UU congregation in the world, with over 2500 members. This morning’s service comes from CLF and celebrates their Worthy Now prison ministry. Worthy Now invites people on both sides of … read more.

“Seeking Spiritual Wholeness”

The wording of the proposed 8th principle in Unitarian Universalism talks about journeying toward spiritual wholeness. This morning we consider what that phrase means.

Worship link:  (link)

How to view our worship services online using Zoom (link)

“Knowing Our History”

Conflicts abound these days over what history is taught or ignored in our schools. There is value in knowing the good AND the bad in our shared past. This morning we’ll learn some of our lesser known UU history.

Worship link: (link)

How to … read more.