PreK-Kindergarten through upper elementary

We primarily use the Tapestry of Faith provided by the UUA. This curriculum was developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association to support discussions and activities that nurture UU identity and principles.

We currently have three age-grouped classes. Pre-K to grade 2 for our youngest congregants, grades 3 – for upper elementary kids, and a third group for our middle school aged kids. They begin to identify intangible gifts such as friendship, fairness and hospitality. Activities center on the love they feel in community.

Middle and High School: Popcorn Theology, Twilight Zone edition

This curriculum was developed by a Unitarian Universalist. Participants watch an episode of Twilight Zone, then discuss the various topics/issues Rod Serling exposed. (Serling was a Unitarian.) We also watch excerpts of more current movies and discuss these themes.

Interspersed with these classes, about once a month we explore a world religion. We often invite a guest speaker who belongs that that religion to encourage a more authentic learning experience. Other times, we use videos found on YouTube or other websites.

A small breakfast is usually provided to our hungry teens.