June is an exciting time at Chalice, with folks thinking about their summer trips, children excited to be out-of-school, and a congregational year winding down. My time as Congregation President draws to a close at the end of the month. Thanks to everyone on the … read more.
MAY VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT ON PETER ARMSTRONG Coordinating Team would like to thank and recognize Peter Armstrong for his work overseeing Chalice’s Sunday morning coffee—including grinding the grounds fresh every Saturday—and for volunteering with our children’s religious education program.
May at Chalice brings the end of the Pledge Drive, where we all are asked to commit (and recommit) financial support to Chalice’s annual operating budget. This sustaining action supports all of our staff and all our committees’ activities and is the foundation our annual … read more.
Our offering on Sunday, June 5, will benefit Casas de Luz (CDL). This organization, started as a project of the UU Fellowship of San Dieguito, builds houses and delivers donations to families in Tijuana. Since 2005, CDL has worked to give … read more.
Watch this video about our new Social Justice Policy, which was drafted by Dennis Brown, Deb Coon, Jeff Heys, and Susan Spoto, along with Rev. Elizabeth:
A note from Rev. Elizabeth:
Rev. Sharon and Chalice congregants attending a City Planning Commission meeting in 2014.
(note: this is adapted from my April 10 sermon “Just the Way You Are.”)
Many of us have a hard time truly believing that we are worthy of love, just the way we are. The dominant culture teaches us that we have to DO more, or buy … read more.
Coordinating Team would like to thank and recognize Paula Gonzales for her work as Chalice’s newsletter editor and as a longtime volunteer with our children’s religious education program.
Currently: Newsletter … read more.
Spring is blooming within our Chalice property, so I encourage everyone to take a leisurely stroll around the grounds and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Chalice’s entire campus garnered a habitat designation several years ago, called “Backyard Wildlife Habitat” at the time but now designated as a National Wildlife … read more.
Wednesday, April 6, 7-8:30pm
Are you new to Chalice in the last year? Join Rev. Elizabeth in a special small group ministry. We will meet to share about our spiritual journeys in an atmosphere of caring. Join us first and third … read more.