As we enter into January and leave December behind, I hope you experienced many joys during the holiday season. We celebrated and worshipped well at Chalice, with a fun Winter Party, a beautiful Solstice celebration, and a joyful Christmas Eve service – not to … read more.
This collection of teachings comes from Unitarian Universalist composer Jason Shelton, from his Sources cantata:
In the Talmud of the Jewish tradition, the sage Hillel said: What is hateful to you, do not do to others. This is the whole of the Law; all the rest … read more.
Last month the choir sang a song called “Count Your Blessings”. The message in this song is just what I need right now: a reminder that there are good, beautiful things in life and that taking deep pleasure and joy in those blessings is … read more.
As I write this, election day is a week away. It is clear that many Americans will be voting in favor of fascism. What is not clear is if fascism will win the day.
Our heartbreak is not so much that we are divided on issues, … read more.
I am thrilled to announce that Susan Spoto has agreed to be our Vice President for the remainder of this board year, stepping into the role of President next year. Susan is a founding member of Chalice and has vast experience as a leader … read more.
We changed our two Sunday morning worship times (9 and 11 a.m.) to one (10 a.m.) on June 21 in preparation for summer. At the time, I thought we would switch back to two services in September. You will notice that we haven’t done that.
October is here! As far as I am concerned it’s basically the month of Halloween, my favorite holiday. I break out my Halloween shirts and jewelry, decorate my house with lights and fun spooky things, and set up an altar for my beloved dead. … read more.
I was on vacation for part of August, travelling in Ecuador and Peru. These were really two separate trips, with different tour groups and different purposes, but I found they shared a common theme: we can do hard things.
September. For me, this is simultaneously an exciting and melancholy time of year. I can tell by the changing light that the days are getting shorter, signaling the end of Summer. And I can tell by the traffic on the road in the mornings … read more.