Author: RevSharon

Beach Cleanup on November 2

Sixteen Chalice congregants attended our North County UU beach cleanup on Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 9-11 a.m. in Oceanside. This cleanup was led by the Surfrider Foundation.

Protecting Otters and Oceans

The best way to support sea otters is to protect their ocean habitat. We ask Chalice congregants to commit to one of the following actions:

Attend a beach cleanup with Surfrider Foundation. Check Chalice’s calendar for our next coordinated beach cleanup.

Stop using plastic straws

Stop using single-use water/beverage bottles

Ask … read more.

Organizations to Support

The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, CA
The Marine Mammal Center advances ocean health through marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation, research, and education. This is the organization benefitting from our Sunday morning collection on September 22.

Sea Otter Savvy in Moss Landing, CA … read more.

Sea Otters Are A Keystone Species

Sea otters are a keystone species, meaning they have disproportionate impact on their environment. They are found in shallow coastal waters of the North Pacific, from the coasts of California and Washington up to Alaska. You can read more about them and why they are … read more.

September Reading for Elders Lunch: Letting Go

At our monthly Elders Lunch (held on zoom the second Friday each month from 12 noon to 1 p.m.), Rev. Sharon shares a reading from the book In Later Years: Finding Meaning and Spirit in Aging by Bruce T. Marshall, a Unitarian Universalist minister. The following are … read more.