If you’ve been to Sunday morning worship at Chalice lately, you’ve
noticed the new “Connection Cards” that everyone is asked to fill out.
The intention of the cards is to help us stay connected with each of
you, notice if you are suddenly here less frequently, and also to help
us better guide newcomers to engagement beyond Sunday morning.
Part of our need for these cards is that Chalice is growing. This is a
good problem to have! Rev. Sharon is not able to look around Sunday
morning and keep track of who is there and who is not; none of us are.
And because we care about each other in religious community, we need
to find other ways of keeping track.
Detailed information about the how and why of Connection Cards was
presented to the Council of Chairs at our quarterly meeting on July
25. If you’d like to learn more, you can read the notes from that
presentation in the Council of Chairs section of the ChaliceWiki, which will be available shortly.