December 18 Social Justice Offering

jit-logoThis Sunday is our monthly Social Justice Sunday, when we donate our offering to a local organization that makes a difference in our larger community. This month, our offering supports Just in Time for Foster Youth (JIT). Just in Time for Foster Youth engages a caring community to help transition age foster youth achieve self-sufficiency and well-being. They envision a future in which every youth leaving the foster care system has a community of caring adults waiting for them after 18.  Consistent, long-term help from the heart is the foundation for the success of our youth so that they can thrive and enjoy productive, satisfying lives. To make that vision a reality, JIT mobilizes a caring community as an extended family for transitioning foster youth.  This is done through consistent relationships and emergency resources provided by individuals, agencies, businesses and foundations that share their core values and mission.


(Description paraphrased from JIT website)