Workshop: The Art of Finishing Life Well

Monday, April 20, 2020

9 am to 3 pm

Getting older means facing the spiritual challenges of graying gracefully. These challenges can be difficult, but also enlivening. This day-long workshop will focus upon personal strategies for creative and resilient aging. There will be lecture, reflection time, dyads, and group sharing.

Who should attend? Self-designated seniors, those who work with elders or simply those who want to prepare for life’s closing chapters…in short, anyone!

There will be a half hour lunch break; bring your own lunch. A kitchenette is available with a refrigerator and microwave.

Registration information and more details are here.

Workshop Leader:

The Rev. Dr. Tom Owen-Towle has been a parish minister since 1967 and is the author of two dozen books on personal relationships and spiritual growth.

His books include Growing All the Way to Our Grave: Conscious Aging and Mindful Dying and Wake Up!: Daily Lessons for a More Liberated and Loving Life.