At the January 15 “greeter” meeting, a decision was reached to separate some of the traditional greeter duties to create a new position for Sunday mornings: usher.
Ushers are part of worship team along with worship associates, song leaders, story tellers, musicians, and our Chalice professional staff. Ushers need to be sturdy on their feet and have good eyesight from the back of the chapel to the front.
We are currently seeking one usher per service, but may expand that to two people if we have sufficient volunteers.
Before the service, ushers:
- Ensure that hymnals are appropriately available on chairs
- Identify and recruit a second person to help collect the offering
- Assist congregants with seating as needed
- Encourage visitors to fill out their connection cards
During the service, ushers:
- Help late arrivals find seating
- Collect the offering during the service
- Count the worship attendees after the children have left
Please contact Rev. Sharon if you are interested in joining the usher team!